Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan puasa

Daftar Kosakata-Ungkapan Bahasa Inggris terkait bulan Puasa-Ramadhan-

-Bulan Ramadhan: the month of Ramadan

-Bulan suci Ramadhan: the holy month of Ramadan

1- Kalender Hijriyah atau Kalender Islam: Islamic calendar, Muslim calendar or Hijri calendar

2- Ibadah tahunan:annual observance

3-salah satu dari 5 rukun Islam: one of the Five Pillars of Islam

4- Fardhu 'Ain: Individual duty or fardh al-'ayn (الفرضالعين)

5- Fardhu Kifayah : Sufficiency duty or fardh al-kifāya (الفرضالكفاية)-

6- Berdasarkan pada munculnya hilal: based on the visual sightings of the crescent moon

7- Bulan sabit (hilal): crescent moon (Hilal)

8- Wajib: fard (obligatory)- Menstruasi: going through menstrual bleeding

9- Berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan: Fasting (during) the month of Ramadan

10- Diwajibkan:made obligatory

11- Berpuasa mulai terbit fajar hingga matahari terbenam:fast from dawn until sunset

12- Menahan diri dari: refrain from

13- Pahala dilipat gandakan: rewards are multiplied

14- Al-quran ialah pedoman bagi umat manusia: the Quran is a guidance for mankind

15- Nabi Muhammad menerima wahyu pertama di bulan Ramadhan: Muhammad first received revelations in the lunar month of Ramadan.

16- Rasul Allah: Allah'sApostle

17- Pada Zaman Jahiliyah: During the Jahiliyyah (i.e. pre-Islamic period)

18- Suku Quraish dan Yahudi: the Quraysh tribe and the Jews

19- Berpuasa pada hari Asyura: fast on the day of Ashura

19- Permulaan dan akhir ramadhan: The beginning and end of Ramadan

20- Malam Lailatul Qadar (Lailat Al-Qadar): the night of power or the night of decree

21- lebih baik dari seribu bulan: better than one thousand months [of proper worship]

22- Ayat pertama diwahyukan (diturunkan) ke Nabi Muhammad: the first revelation of the Quran was sent down to Muhammad

23- Ayat diturunkan: verses are revealed

24- Terjadi pada salah satu dari malam-malam ganjil 10 hari terakhir bulan Ramadhan:occur on an odd-numbered night during the last 10 days of Ramadan

25- Lebaran or Idul Fitri:Eid al-Fitr(festival of breaking of the fast), Feast of Breaking the Fast, the Sugar Feast, Bayram (Bajram), the Sweet Festival, the Lesser Eid

26- Sahur:suhoor/suhur(the pre-dawn meal before the fast) atau pre-fast meal atau suhur meal

27- Berbuka puasa:iftar(break the fast)

28- Untuk menyucikan hati: cleanse the soul by freeing it from harmful impurities

28- Menjadi kewajiban bagi muslim untuk memulai puasa ketika mereka telah (mencapai) dewasa: It becomes compulsory for Muslims to start fasting when they reach puberty

29- Membayar kalla (meng-qadha'): make up the days missed

30- Mensegerakan ber-buka:hasten for the fast-breaking meal (iftar)

31- Menunda (menangguhkan) shalat Maghrib:adjourn for the Maghrib prayer

32- Sedekah: Sadaqah or Saddka (plural:ṣadaqāt), voluntary charity

33- Zakat: Zakāt or alms-giving

34- Amal baik: good deeds

35- shalat tarawih: Tarawih prayers (nightly prayers)

36- Hari pembalasan: The Last Judgment, Final Judgment, Day of Judgment, Judgment Day, or The Day of the Lord or in Islam Yawm al-Qiyāmah or Yawm ad-Din-

37-Membaca keseluruhan Al-Quran: to read the entire Quran

38- Hafalan Quran: the recitation of the Quran

39- Dilarang selama bulan Ramadan: banned during Ramadan

40- Umat Muslim dilarang makan, minum, dan berhubungan badan: Muslims are prohibited from eating, drinking (including water), and engaging in sexual activity

41- Untuk memperoleh taqwa: gain Taqwa, piety (god-consciousness)

42- Puasa sebagai benteng: fasting acts as a shield

43- Melindungi diri (dia) dari neraka: protect him/herself from Jahannam (hell)

44- Menanamkan rasa persaudaraan dan persatuan: inculcate a sense of fraternity and solidarity

45- Dibebaskan untuk tidak berpuasa: exempt from fasting

46- Selamat berpuasa: Happy fasting atau happy Ramadan

47- Semoga (puasanya) diberkahi: Have a blessed Ramadan

48- Fitnah dapat ditutup (dihapuskan) oleh shalat, puasa, dan sedekah:The afflictionis expiated byprayers, fasting, and giving in charity.

49- Orang yang berpuasa:the person observing fasting

50- Bau busuk mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih harum di sisi Allah daripada bau kesturi: the smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk.

51- Hadits Nabi: the narration of the Prophet

52- Shalat wajib 5 waktu: the five compulsory prayers

53- Yang Allah telah perintahkan ke (umat Muslim) : what Allah has enjoined on (Muslims)

54- Dijamin (masuk) surga: granted Paradise

55- Hari Kebangkitan: the Day of Resurrection

56- Dosa: sins

57- Menegakkan shalat: establish prayers

58- Meninggalkan ucapan dusta dan amal jahat: give up forged speech and evil actions

59- Mengumandakan adzan: Pronounce Adhan

60- Mandi junub: take a bath in the state of Janaba

61- Makan atu minum tanpa sengaja (lupa): eat or drink forgetfully

62- Berwudhu: perform ablution

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